Temple Shalom

4023 Belle Terre Blvd
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

Year Built:


Years Active: 2005 – Present

Architectural Overview

Congregation History

Founded in 2005, Temple Shalom is a Reform synagogue in Myrtle Beach. Nine years after its establishment, the congregation was able to purchase a building for services.. The congregation hired Rabbi Gordon Fuller in June 2021 as a part-time rabbi. In the summer of 2022, the congregation celebrated the installation of a new Torah as well as a new ark. Saturday morning Shabbat services are held every other week and Friday evening services held every week.1 Rabbi David Weissman is another rabbi employed by Temple Shalom.2


1 “Home.”
2 Herazo, “Horry County Rabbi Talks Loving Thy Neighbor during Hanukkah despite Anti-Semitic Flyers.”



JHSSC Office
96 Wentworth Street
Charleston, SC 29424
Phone: 843 953 3918

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Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina