
Books listed have either historical, documentary or fictional content. 
They all contain information about Jewish people in South Carolina or being Jewish in South Carolina.

An American Experience Adeline Moses Loeb (1876-1953) and Her Early American Jewish Ancestors, Introduction by Eli N Evans, Contributors – John L Loeb Jr., Kathy L Plotkin, Margaret Loeb Kemper, and Judith E Endelman

Banov, CharlesOffice Upstairs: A Doctor’s Journey (The History Press, 2008) 

Baruch, BernardMy Own Story (New York, Henry Holt, 1957)

Bern, Ronald LawrenceThe Legacy: A Novel (New York, Mason/Charter, 1975) 

Blatt, SolomonThe Bridge Builder: Solomon Blatt Reflects on a Lifetime of Service to South Carolina. Edited by George D. Terry and Catherine Wilson Horne. Columbia, McKissick Museum, 1986 

Bloom, Jack, L.A History of the Jewish Community of Greenville, South Carolina, Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina

Breibart, SolomonExplorations in Charleston’s Jewish History Forward by Jack Bass and Robert N. Rosen, College of Charleston Library in Association with The Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina
– The Synagogues of Kahal kadosh Beth Elohim of Charleston, South Carolina South Carolina Historical Society, 1979
– The Rev. Mr. Gustavus Poznanski: First American Jewish Reform Minister (Charleston, SC, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim, 1979)

Brith Sholom Beth Israel: 130th anniversary, 30th Anniversary Merger, January 13th 1985, 20 Teveth, 5745 (Charleston, 1985)

Brockington, Lee G.Plantation Between the Waters: A Brief History of Hobcaw Barony, The History Press, Charleston, SC, 2006.

Buxton, Julian Thomas, Jr., “Franklin J. Moses, Jr., The Scalawag Governor of South Carolina.” Honor’s Thesis, Princeton University 1950

Cardozo, Isaac N.A Discourse Delivered in Charleston (S.C.) on the 21st of Nov. 1827 Before the Reformed Society of Israelites for Promoting True Principles of Judaism According to Its Purity and Spirit. Charleston, S.C.: James S. Burges., 1827. 

Cauthen, John K.Speaker Blatt: His Challenges Were Greater (Columbia, R.L. Bryan Co., 1965) 

Chametzky, JulesJewish American Literature: a Norton Anthology New York, NY [u.a.] : Norton, c 2001.

Cohn, Edward L., ed., The Isaac Harby Prayerbook (Columbia, R.L. Bryan Co., 1974) 

Coit, Margaret L.Mr. Baruch (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1957) 

Commemoration Book of Dedication: Synagogue Emanu-El: The Story of the First Conservative Synagogue of South Carolina, 1947-1957 (Charleston, Emanu-El Dedication Committee, 1957)

DaCosta and Hanover Street Cemeteries in Charleston SC.
The Silence of the Dead: Giving Charleston Cemeteries a Voice. Chicora Research Foundation Series 67. Chicora Foundation, Columbia, SC 2010.

The Dedication Book of the New Synagogue Emanu-El: The Story of the First Conservative Synagogue of South Carolina, 1947-1980 (Charleston, Emanu-El Dedication Committee, 1980) 

Dedication of Beth Israel Synagogue, Charleston, South Carolina (Charleston, SC, 1948) 

Dyer, Richard E., “The Culture, Practice and Ideals of an Early Nineteenth Century Acculturated Congregation as Reflected in the Minutes of Congregation Beth Elohim, South Carolina, 1838-1842” Term Paper, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1955.

Diner, Hasia R.The Jews of the United States, 1654 to 2000 Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004

Elzas, Rabbi Barnett A., M.D., LL., D. 1867-1936)
– A Century of Judaism in South Carolina 1800-1900
– A History of Congregation Beth Elohim, of Charleston, SC 1800-1810
– Constitution of the Hebrew Congregation Kaal Kadosh Beth-Elohim or House of God Charleston, SC MDCCCXX (1904)
– Documents Relative to a Proposed Settlement of Jews in South Carolina in 1748 (1903)
– The Jewish Cemeteries of Columbia, SC
– The Jewish Cemeteries of the Columbia Hebrew Benevolent Society, Columbia, SC
– The Jewish Cemeteries of Congregation Berith Shalome at Charleston, SC (1910)
– The Jewish Cemetery at Camden, SC
– The Jewish Cemetery at Georgetown, SC (1910)
– The Jewish Cemetery at Orangeburg, SC (1910)
– The Jewish Cemetery at Sumter, SC (1910)
– Jewish Marriage Notices From the Newspaper Press of Charleston, SC (1917)
– The Jews of Charleston (1902?)
– The Jews of South Carolina, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (1905)
– The Jews of South Carolina; a Review of the Article “Charleston” in col. 3, of the Jewish Encyclopaedia (1903)
– The Jews of South Carolina; Record of First Naturalization in the Province (1903)
– The Jews of South Carolina; a Survey of the Records at Present Existing in Charleston (1903)
– Joseph Salvador: Jewish Merchant Prince Who Came to South Carolina: He Raised a Hundred Pounds for the British Government at Two Hours Notice and was Held in High Esteem in England (1903?)
– Leaves From My Historical Scrap Book
– Moses Lindo. A Sketch of the Most Prominent Jew in Charleston in Provincial Days (1903)
– The New Jewish Cemetery of K.K. Beth Elohim at Charleston, SC (1910)
– The Old Jewish Cemeteries at Charleston, SC A Transcript of the Inscriptions on Their Tombstones 1762-1903 (1903)
– Organ in the Synagogue. An Interesting Chapter in the History of Refrom Judaism in America (1903?)
– The Reformed Society of Israelites of Charleston, SC
– The Sabbath Service and Miscellaneous Prayer, Adopted by the Reformed Society of Israelites Founded in Charleston, SC November 21, 1825
– Story of a Long Lost Seal: Proves the Age of the Hebrew Benevolent Society (1900?)

ed. by Ervin, Eliza Cowan & Horace Fraser Rudsill Darlingtoniana: A History of People, Places & Events in Darlington County, SC, The Reprint Co., Spartanburg, SC, 1976, contains a chapter titled “History of the Jewish Community of Darlington, SC” by Henry Hennig & Mrs. LeRoy M. Want.

Evans, Eli N., The Provincials A Personal History of Jews in the South Free Pree Paperbacks, Simon & Schuster 1997
– Judah P. Benjamin: The Jewish Confederate. New York: Free Press, 1988.
– The Lonely Days Were Sundays: Reflections of a Jewish Southerner. (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1993).

Farbstein, StanleyBeth Israel Cemetery: 906 Bladen Street Beaufort, SC Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina

Ferris, Marci Cohen, Matzoh Ball Gumbo: Culinary Tales of the Jewish South

Ferris, Marci Cohen, Mark I. GreenbergJewish Roots in Southern Soil: a New History (The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2005)

Field, CarterBernard Baruch: Park Bench Statesman (New York, McGraw-Hill Co., 1940) 

Fischer, Susan EleanorThe Tree of Life Temple 1896-1971

Freudenberg, Larry W.Ordinary Jews in an Extraordinary World (Volume 1) [Paperback] (CreateSpace, August 1, 2011)
– Freudenberg Family Scrapbook [Paperback] 
– Freudenberg Family Genealogy: Ordinary Jews in an Extraordinary World (Volume 1) [Paperback] 

Friedman, Saul S.Jews and the American Slave Trade 

Frommer, Harvey, Myrna Katz FrommerGrowing Up Jewish in America: An Oral History (New York, Harcourt Brace, 1999)

Gergel, Belinda, and Richard GergelIn Pursuit of The Tree of Life: A History of the Early Jews of Columbia, South Carolina, and The Tree of Life Congregation, (Columbia, SC, 1996)

Ginsberg, Benjamin Moses of South Carolina: A Jewish Scalawag during Radical Reconstruction

Glickman, Mary Home in the Morning

Golden Anniversary: Daughters of Israel Auxiliary of the House of Peace Synagogue: 1917-1967 (Columbia, House of Peace Synagogue, 1967) 

Golden, Harry L. and Rywell, MartinJewish Roots in the Carolinas; a Pattern of American Philo-Semitism Greensboro, NC, Deal Print. Co., 1955

Golden Reflections: Looking Forward through the Past, 50th Anniversary, the Charleston Jewish Community Center, 1945-1995. (Charleston, Charleston Jewish Community Center, 1995) 

Goldman, JudyThe Slow Way Back: a Novel William Morrow and Company, inc., New York

Goodman, Abraham V., “South Carolina from Shaftesbury to Salvador.” In Jews in the South, edited by Leonard Dinnerstein and Mary Pallson (Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1973) 

Gottesman Milton M., Hoopskirts & Huppas: a Chronicle of the Early Years of the Garfunkel-Trager Family in America, 1856-1920
Variant Title: Hoopskirts and huppas New York, NY, American Jewish Historical Society, 1999

Grant, JamesBernard Baruch: The Adventures of a Wall Street Legend (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1983) 

Gurock, Jeffrey S.American Jewish History: the Colonial and Early National Pperiods, 1654-1840, American Jewish Historical Society
– Orthodoxy in Charleston Brith Sholom Beth Israel and American Jewish History College of Charleston Library in Association with Brith Sholom Beth Israel 2004

Hagy, James WilliamThis Happy Land: the Jews of Colonial and Antebellum Charleston Tuscaloosa, AL, University of Alabama Press, 1993

Harby, IsaacA Discourse Delivered in Charleston (S.C) on the 21st of Nov. 1825 Before the Reformed Society of Israelites for Promoting True Principles of Judaism According to Its Purity and Spirit on Their First Anniversary (Charleston, A.E. Miller, 1825)

Harris, Melvin A.The Columbia Hebrew Benevolent Society (Columbia, Columbia Hebrew Benevolent Society, 1947) 

Harrison, CalBeth Shalom: Keeping Columbia’s Jewish Traditions Alive, Palmetto Conservation Foundation Press, 2007.

Hennig, HelenAugust Kohn: Versatile South Carolinian (Columbia, Vogue Press, 1949)
– The Tree of Life (Columbia, Tree of Life Congregation, 1945) 


The History of Congregation Beth Yam 1978-2014 Reform Congregation in Hilton Head

Huhner, Leon, The Jews of South Carolina from the Earliest Settlement to the End of the American Revolution Baltimore, MD, The Friedenwald Company, 1904
– Francis Salvador: a prominent patriot of the Revolutionary War American Jewish Historical Society, 1901

Hymns Written for the Service of Hebrew Congregation Beth Elohim of Charleston, S.C. (Charleston, Levin and Tavel, 1842)

Hymns Written for the Use of Hebrew Congregations (Charleston, Congregation Beth Elohim, 1856)

Jewish Population Study for Charleston, S.C.: 1997/1998 (Charleston, Charleston Jewish Federation, 1998) 

“The Jews of Charleston.” In The Souvenir Book of the Bicentennial of the Charleston Jewish Community, November 19 through November 26, 1950 (Charleston, Bicentennial Committee, 1951)

Johnson, Joan Marie South Carolina women: their lives and times, Volume 1

Joyner, Charles, “A Community of Memory: Assimilation and Identity among the Jews of Georgetown” In Shared Traditions: Southern History and Folk Culture (Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1999)
– Shared Traditions: Southern History and Folk Culture Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1999.

Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Synagogue, 250th Anniversary (Charleston, Congregation Beth Elohim, 1999) 

Kanter, Kenneth A., “Isaac Herby—Dramatist and Playwright” Term paper, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1979.

Keyserling, HarrietAgainst the Tide (Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 1998)

Keyserling, HerbertDoctor K (Beaufort, 1999) 

Kohn, Douglas, “Two Paths of Nineteenth Century Synagogue Reform: Charleston and Philadelphia,” Prize Essay, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1986.

Levitan, TamaFransis Salvador [Yiddish] (Brooklyn, New York, 1949) 

Levy, DavidService of the Sanctuary for the Sabbath and Festivals, Arranged for the Use of Congregation Beth Elohim (New York, M. Thalmessinger, 1879) 

Liberles, Robert, “Conflict over Reforms: The Case of Congregation Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina.” In The American Synagogue, edited by Jack Wertheimer (New York, Cambridge University Press, 1987) 

ed. by Lippy, Charles H.Religion in South Carolina, University of SC Press, 1993, contains a chapter titled “Judaism in South Carolina” by Leonard J. Greenspoon.

Moïse, Harold, The Jewish Cemeteries of Sumter, SC; a Transcription of the Names and Dates on the Tombstones 1874-1942 
– The Moïse Family of South Carolina: an Account of the Life and Descendants of Abraham and Sarah Moise who Settled in Charleston, South Carolina, in the year 1791 A.D. Printed by the R.L. Bryan Company, 1961

Moïse, Lucius Clifton, Abraham Moïse, and Isaac Newton CardozoBiography of Isaac Harby, with an Account of the Reformed Society of Israelites of Charleston, S.C., 1824-1833 (Columbia, R.L. Bryan Co., 1931)

Moïse, PeninaFancy’s Sketch Book (Charleston, J.S. Burges, 1833) Moïse, Penina, 
– Secular and Religious Works of Penina Moïse, with Brief Sketch of Her Life (Compiled and published by the Charleston Section, Council of Jewish Women, Charleston, Nicolas G. Duffy, 1911) 

Moses, Octavia HarbyA Mother’s Poems: A Collection of Verses (Sumter, 1915)

Norwood, Stephen Harlan, Eunice G. PollackEncyclopedia of American Jewish History, Volume 2

Pearlstine, JeanBicentennial Celebration 1750 – 1950 Charleston Jewish Community 

Pember, Phoebe YatesA Southern Woman’s Story

Pinckney, Henry L, and Abraham Moïse, A Selection from the Miscellaneous Writings of the Late Isaac Harby, Esq., Prefixed with a Memoir of His Life (Charleston, James S. Burges, 1829)

Poliakoff, Marsha Portraits of a People, a History of Jewish Life in Spartanburg, SC

Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, Issue 22 American Jewish Historical Society 1914

Raisin, Jacob S.Centennial Booklet: Commemorating the Introduction of Reform Judaism in America at Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim at Charleston, S.C. Organized 1750 (Charleston, 1925) 

Renick, Timothy D. “Solomon Blatt: An Examination into the Conservative Racial Views of a Jewish Politician in the Deep South 1937-1986 with an accompanying guide to the Solomon Blatt papers,” Master’s thesis, University of South Carolina, 1989. 

Reznikoff, Charles and Uriah Z. EngelmanThe Jews of Charleston: a History of an American Jewish Community Philadelphia, PA, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1950

Rosen, Robert N.The Jewish Confederates Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2000.

Rosengarten, Theodore and Rosengarten, DaleA Portion of the People Three Hundred Years of Southern Jewish Life  Click here to purchase A Portion of the People

Rosenthal, William A. “Jewish Artists in Early Charleston” In Jewish Art and Culture in Early America (Charleston, 1981) 

Rubin, Louis D., Jr.My Father’s People: A Family of Southern Jews. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2002 [memoir of a Jewish family from Charleston, SC].
– The Golden Weather

The Sabbath Service and Miscellaneous Prayers Adopted by the Reformed Society of Israelites (Charleston, J.S. Burges, 1830)

Sarna, JonathanAmerican Judaism: A History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005.

Edited by: Sarna, Jonathan D., Mendelsohn, Adam Jews and the Civil War: A Reader (New York University Press New Yor and London, 2010)

Schwarz, Jordan A.The Speculator, Bernard M. Baruch in Washington, 1917-1965 (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1981)

Seixas, Eleanor Cohen, “The Diary of Eleanor Cohen Seixas: Columbia, South Carolina, 1865-1866” In Private Pages: Diaries of American Women, 1830s-1870s, edited by Penelope Franklin (New York, Ballantine Books, 1986) 

Shumway, Harry IrvingBernard M. Baruch, Financial Genius, Statesman and Adviser to Presidents (Boston, L.C. Page & Co., 1946) 

Smith, William AtmarLeon Banov, M.D. and Public Health in Charleston (Columbia, R.L. Bryan Co., 1968) 

Stern, Malcolm H.. Samuel Proctor, Louis Schmier, Jews of the South: Selected Essays from the Southern Jewish Historical Society Southern Jewish Historical Society (U.S.)

Stiefel, Barry L. With the Assistance of David Rittenberg, Foreword by Samuel D. Gruber, Jewish Sanctuary in the Atlantic World A Social and Architectural History 

Stiles, EzraEzra Stiels and the Jews Selected Passages from his Literary Diary Concerning Jews and Judaism With Critical and Explanitory Notes by George Alexander Kohut

Sussman, Lance J., “Isaac Harby, Leadership and Liturgy of the Reformed Society of Israelites, 1824-1833: a Reevaluation” Term paper, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1979

Synagogue Emanu-El: 50 Years, 1947-1997  (Charleston, Synagogue Emanu-El, 1997)

Tannenbaum, KarenThe Louries of South Carolina, no publication info; preface, etc. dated 1991. 

Tarshish, AllanA Bi-Centennial in Charleston: the Story of Congregation Beth Elohim (Cincinnati, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1950)
– “The Charleston Organ Case” In The Jewish Experience in America, edited by Abraham J. Karp (New York, KTAV Publishing house, 1969) 
– Francis Salvador: a Revolutionary Hero
– Since 1749 … The Story of K.K. Beth Elohim of Charleston, S.C.: American Judaism Through More Than Two Centuries K.K. Beth Elohim

Tobias Thomas J. and Allan Tarshish A Congregation 200 Years Old: an Old Charlestonian Looks at His Community B’nai B’rith, 1950

Teszler, SandorThe Memoirs of Sandor Teszler (Spartanburg, Wofford College, 1991) 

Tobias, Thomas J.The Hebrew Benevolent Society of Charleston, S.C. Founded 1784 The Oldest Jewish Charitable Society in the United States: An Historical Sketch
– The Hebrew Orphan Society
– Tombstones that Tell Stories: The Historic Coming Street Cemetery of Congregation Beth Elohim, Charleston, S.C. (Charleston, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim, 2000)

Twenty-Five Years of Jewish Life: 1939-1964, 5700-5725 (Dillon, S.C., Ohav Shalom Congregation, 1965)

Ward, Patricia SpainSimon Baruch: Rebel in the Ranks of Medicine, 1840-1921 (Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 1994) 

Weissbach, Lee ShaiJewish Life in Small-town America: a History 

White, William LindayBernard Baruch: Portrait of a Citizen (New York, Harcourt brace & Co., 1950) 

Williams, Arthur V., M.D.Tales of Charleston 1930s College of Charleston Library in Association with The Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina 1999

Woolf, Maurice, “Joseph Salvador, 1716-1786,” Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society (London), 21, 1968: 104-37. 

Yaschik, HenryFrom Kaluszyn to Charleston: The Yaschik Family in Poland, Argentina, and South Carolina H. Yaschik, 1990

Young, Mel, ed.Last Order of the Lost Cause: The True Story of a Jewish Family in the “Old South,” Raphael Jacob Moses, Major, C.S.A., 1812-1893 (Lanham Md., University Press of America, 1995) 

Zeyv, SenderEvery Man A Slave (ISBN 096770443X TMS Publishing 2002)

Zola, GaryIsaac Harby of Charleston, 1788-1828: Jewish Reformer and Intellectual. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 1994.

Some book titles supplied with the help of the following:
Prof. Adam Mendelsohn of the Jewish Studies Program at the College of Charleston
Alyssa Neely Research Associate Special Collections College of Charleston Library
Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina



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